T.J. Duane Community Development Grants

For over a decade, HL Central has awarded the T.J. Duane Community Development Grants annually to students who have demonstrated a commitment to improving student life at Harvard Law School. We award up to ten $1,000 grants throughout the school year to individual students or student organizations who propose community-enhancing projects or events. The grants go towards the costs of carrying out the initiative.

In order to be considered, proposed events should be open to the HLS community generally and can include everything from charitable events to social activities. Things like HLS Parody and the WLA Fashion Swapaganza are good examples of events that would qualify. In 2022, we hosted a charity golf tournament in support of Fenix — an organization that primarily provides legal services for those in Africa and the Middle East seeking asylum in Greece — that an HLS student was a founder and board member of.

2023 Grantees

  • Harvard Law Students Association for Birdwatching

  • Equal Democracy Project

  • LLM Rum Wednesdays

  • HLS Softball Tournament

  • Scales of Justice

  • HLS Parody

  • Environmental Law Association